What is Tron Coin?

What is Tron Coin?

Crypto currency, the agenda of the market, has brought many investors. TRON, which has a life span of only 3 months, is shortened to TRX. The total number of tokens is 100 billion and the number of circulated tokens is around 65 billion. TRX broke the all-time record last week with $ 0.067. Trading on many exchanges makes TRX extremely attractive for investors.

What is Tron (TRX)

TRON is defined as a free entertainment site based on blockchain. The protocol on the infrastructure of the system means that users can publish and store the data freely and in a decentralized manner; decide on the distribution and subscription of the content; it is designed to print and circulate digital assets. Peiwo with over 10 million users will be the first TRON compatible entertainment application.

Where to Buy TRX

TRX can be purchased from Binance stock exchange, which stands out with its transaction volume exceeding $ 1 billion per day and unauthorized transaction.

The decentralized content protocol TRON now has four basic operating principles.

Personal ICO: Platform members can distribute the digital asset they have developed by organizing ICO. Other members can purchase these digital assets and benefit from the services that come with ICO.

Content provision: Digital assets are acquired in exchange for content, and the platform continues to exist on its own.

Infrastructure: Distributed digital assets are accompanied by distributed infrastructure systems, including distributed buy-sell, autonomous gaming, forecasting and gaming.

Freedom of data: All types of content can be downloaded, stored and distributed on the platform without any control.

TRX, which was traded at the level of $ 0.03765 ​​at the time the article was prepared for publication, has a daily transaction volume of $ 250 million.

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